Why Choose Us?
Express Cardio-Services is a cardiology clinic providing a full range of cardiovascular tests, investigations and consultations to individuals, families and children. The clinic’s qualified medical staff have each developed a range of special interests in particular areas of the heart, enabling the clinic to provide a wide range of medical skills for the care of the clinic’s clients. Express Cardio-Services strives to continue to provide patients and referrers with excellent cardiac services.
For Patients
Cardiovascular tests and investigations can be arranged, performed and reported at Express Cardio-Services. Tests can be requested by your cardiologist or by your general practitioner by making contact with us on Tel: (03) 9898 3366. We are committed to provide the highest quality of cardiovascular tests and investigations with the minimum financial burden possible for our patients.
Bulk Billing
Bulk Billing is available to adult Medicare card holders for the following services:
24 Hour Ambulatory Holter Monitoring
Transthoracic Echocardiography
Treadmill Stress Echocardiography
For paediatric patients, please call (03) 9898 3366 for pricing.